How Much Does a Website Cost?
HOW MUCH DOES A WEBSITE COST? WHY $30,000 IS A BARGAIN One of the most common questions we're asked as web designers is, "How much does a website cost?" Oddly enough, it's never this initial question that's hard to answer, it's question number two: "Why so much?" It usually takes at least a few seconds for potential clients to wipe the shock off their face when we throw out a price tag of, say, $30,000. And then comes question number three. "For a website?!" Yes, at first, $30,000 seems like a lot of money for a website, but I guarantee you it's a steal. The truth is, whether you pay $10K or $75K, websites are cheap at any cost. What it costs is not important — it's the value of a website that really means something. Here's an analogy I've come up with to help everyone grasp the value of a website. YOUR WEBSITE IS YOUR EMPLOYEE Imagine that you have just hired a new salesman named Bill. Here's everything yo...